Tips to Prepare for Pet Surgery

What should be on your own to-do list when planning your dog for operation? Our Ventura vets share some hints, along with basic instructions you may receive from your vet. 

How to Prepare Your Dog Surgery

The countdown is on: you have got to prepare your dog for surgery. Whether he’s going in for a hip replacement, open-heart surgery, or something different, you are sifting through a great deal of information.

Are there medications you want to administer pre-surgery? When should he eat before the surgery? What about any extra testing that needs to be carried out?

Although you’ll receive detailed instructions from your veterinarian, the procedure can still feel overpowering if this is your furry friend’s first time using a particular procedure. That’s why we’re describing the fundamentals today – to allow you to think ahead and plan as effectively as you can.

The Week Ahead

While it might seem premature to start planning an entire week before your dog’s operation, your vet may need to do additional tests before your furry friend goes in for his operation.

Additionally, it is a good idea to start planning for practicalities like transport to and from the hospital. Also, if your puppy gets bathed regularly or finds a groomer, consider scheduling this a few days before his surgery as the incision will have to be kept dry after the operation.

Additionally, ask your vet if this is a fantastic time to check your pet’s vaccinations are up so far – some vets may put off administering these based upon your pet’s medical history and present condition.

The Evening Before

Your pet’s night-before itinerary may vary, therefore talk about what should be done with your vet. If these questions aren’t answered on your release instructions, ask your vet about these:

  • Can my dog exercise as usual daily before the operation?
  • If my dog stops drinking or eating?
  • Can my dog take his medication as prescribed?

This is also a fantastic time to prep your home for the following day, following your pet returns out of his procedure. Arrange a private area for your dog to recover, possibly from other pets, and place up his crate with everything he’ll need.

Ensure any food and medications he may need to meet specific dietary needs are easily available and ready to take to the vet if needed. You may also consider cleaning your pet’s bedding to reduce the risk of infection.

On the morning of your own dog’s surgery, the most significant thing you can do is to make sure your dog doesn’t have access to any water or food. Eating or drinking can lead to aspiration during anesthesia, which is potentially life-threatening.

At Veterinary Medical and Surgical Group (VMSG) Ventura, everything we do, and every decision we make, is designed to make sure your pet’s post-operative success.

Each pet’s anesthetic plan will be customized according to his or her specific condition. With each furry friend, we take overall cardiovascular health and lab work into account.

Make sure you arrive on time to your pet’s appointment so any extra blood pressure, catheter placement, and other pre-surgery preparations can be achieved unrushed. Confirm our front desk has your most current contact information so they can reach you with any upgrades. Check them out here to find out more.

Post-Operative Care

Your vet will offer thorough instructions concerning how to care for your dog after his surgery. Your furry friend will probably have to take a few drugs to alleviate pain and also help reduce the risk of secondary infections.

Though you may notice your pooch hating their period at the “cone of pity”, leaving this collar while the incision heals will reduce the risk of preventing or disease brought on by bacteria from his tongue getting into the region.

Your pet may also be placed on restricted activity, which may be hard for your puppy if he is a lively breed. Nonetheless, this is essential for proper recovery. To make it easier on both of you, consider placing your dog in his crate or ask your veterinarian about sedatives. Your veterinarian will also probably recommend not bathing your puppy or shake the incision for the first fourteen days (or before the sutures come out).

Precisely following your vet’s instructions will help your dog completely recover. Be on guard for any signs of excessive pain, discomfort, or unusual behavior or swelling, prevent him from licking or bothering the region surrounding the incision, and contact your vet or nearest emergency animal hospital if you have any concerns.

Notice: The advice offered in this post is meant for informational purposes and does not constitute medical information regarding pets.